Where are all the cool startups that run on ASP.NET?: This is a post that asks a solid question:
Where are all the cool startups that run on ASP.NET?
It’s a good question. Where are they? Why do all the rock star start-ups use CakePHP or Rails or anything but .Net.
A good answer is this comment a bit down the page, which really sums up everything I feel about the ASP.Net platform (emphasis mine):
That’s easy. ASP.NET Web Forms was designed specifically to bring VB6/Mort programmers into a web-enabled world. You don’t find Morts working on the latest and greatest web apps. I’ve been working with Web Forms off and on since Beta 1, and I’ve grown to loathe them. In trying to abstract away the details of working on the web, Microsoft has only succeeded in making things hopelessly complex. Give me something that embraces the web instead like Rails or PHP.
(I don’t know exactly what he means by “Mort,” so if anyone does, speak up.)
I have a sneaking suspicion that the guy who invented ASP.Net is curled up in a fetal position somewhere, rocking back and forth and muttering, “please make it go away.”
In trying to “solve” what they viewed as limitations in the basic concept of the Web (which seems to be working fine for everyone else, thank you), Microsoft has just introduced more problems. Half the new “features” in ASP.Net seem to be things to fix problems that ASP.Net introduced in the first place.
I found the above quote from this site which quoted my previous post about ASP.Net Web forms.