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Duron Go Bye Bye

Originally published by "dbarker" on 2006-01-06 14:48:00Z

Exploding Overclocking Extreme AMD Duron Vaporizing: Take an AMD Duron, overclock it to over 4 GHz, then remove the heatsink. Hillarity shall ensue.

Comment by "Joe" on 2006-01-06 16:18:00Z
That's pretty cool, but I'm pretty suspicious that it's a setup. I'd buy that there would be enough force from the thermal cracking of the ceramic to shatter the chip and blow it out of the socket, if you rigged the socket so the chip was loose. I don't buy, however, that there would be sufficient force to blow a hole in the motherboard and the table underneath. I suspect a [squib]( I'm always willing to be wrong, of course.
Comment by "asdfasd" on 2006-01-22 16:26:00Z
It looks like an explosion came from underneath. The mounting hole near the socket had sparks coming out from it. Besides, on the CPU-Z screen there wasn't an close window "x" or anything else on the top right corner.
Comment by "Mike" on 2011-01-07 09:06:00Z
it uses a Honda 4 that puts out 220 bhp as stated on their website. The Ecotec 4 could never hope to come close to the Honda 4 in anyway. [](