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The silverorgange Intranet

Originally published by "dbarker" on 2003-07-05 15:45:00Z

silverorange | building powerful web-based systems: I first heard about silverorange when they won the “Best Intranet of 2001” award from the Nielsen-Norman Group (Jakob Nielsen’s outfit). At that time, I thought they were purely Web design.

It looks like that they’ve taken to selling (and hosting) their award-winning intranet software. It’s a stunning piece of work, both functionally and visually. Here are the screenshots and you can lounge around a demo version.

Years ago, when I was looking for an apartment, I knew I found the right one because once I walked into it, I just didn’t want to leave. I got that same feeling the same way about their intranet demo. Purely, utterly intuitive. I’d never been there before, but I just knew what to do.