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eZ publish Screencast

Originally published by "dbarker" on 2005-03-01 15:20:00Z

If any of you have been dying to hear my voice, you finally have a chance.

I recently did a screencast for Packt Publishing on eZ publish, the snazzy open-source content management system. It’s a five-minute Flash movie that demonstrates how good eZ publish is at modeling Web content.

You can find it here. We were trying to get it out last week so I could have accepted my Oscar on Sunday night, but we missed it by a day or two.

Comment by "Tomas" on 2005-03-01 16:01:00Z
Very Americanny. I was expecting more Bear like to be honest.
Comment by "Joe" on 2005-03-01 07:50:00Z
We had to edit out the part where Deane snacked on the femur of a hiker, then hibernated for the winter.
Comment by "Rob" on 2005-03-01 08:18:00Z
"... more Bear like ..." I take it you two have met. The similarities between Deane and a bear are uncanny. :)
Comment by "Tomas" on 2005-03-02 09:49:00Z
I've never met Deane. And to be honest I don't think I've seen a photo of Deane. I must have at some point though, to get the whole bear thing into my head.
Comment by "Dave" on 2005-03-09 14:53:00Z
Deane, this is awesome! This really gives a feel for how EZ handles structured/modeled content. I'd like to see how templating handles front-end display, that'd make a good video. Also, I'm curious if EZ offers front-end editing, that is, a visual icon next to editable pieces of content while browsing the site. This is something that is great with RedDot and Percussion's Rythmyx. Open-source CMS is really growing up! davedenis [at] spamsucks yahoo [dot] NOSPAM com
Comment by "kracker" on 2005-06-26 09:36:00Z
very nice, thank you!