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A Wikipedia Blog

Originally published by "dbarker" on 2004-01-16 15:00:00Z

I’m tempted to start a blog solely for linking to great Wikipedia entries. One of my morning rituals is to hit the random page link at Wikipedia and see where it takes me. I’ve found some fantastic articles that beat anything in a paid resource.

Take a browse through the Billiant Prose page and see gems like Sniper, Crushing by Elephant (morbidly fascinating), Batman, Dick Tracy, James Bond, etc. You could make an entire blog out of links to great Wikipedia entries. According to the statistics page, there are almost 200,000 entries. That should keep you busy for a while.

Someone should do this.

Comment by "Bob" on 2004-05-18 14:56:00Z
Did it! Have a look but keep in mind that my approach is not necessarily to find entries consisting solely brilliant prose. I look for informative articles that are well written and educational.